New Book, Fresh Outlook
"The best clients trust the process. They collaborate and they focus on making great work happen – especially within their organizations." -Rob Schwartz (Ad Brain)
My first ebook is a collection of 18 interviews. Ad Brains: Conversations with Advertising’s Icons, Rebels, and Rulers is now available for $10 from,, Barnes & Noble, and Apple Books, and Google Play.
I started interviewing people when I was 18 years old and a freshman at Franklin & Marshall College. One thing I know about myself—I have a journalist's temperament, which I bring to the ad business, sometimes successfully. In this new collection of 18 interviews with 19 advertising professionals, there's a series of successful moments where people I admire and respect get a chance to wax poetic about life, business, art, and more.
I hope you are ready to buy the book today, to read it, gift it, and review it. It's a slim collection but one that took a dozen years to make.
Beating Internet Addiction with a Broom
For the past number of years, I’ve savored the brief moments when I’ve been offline. It’s only been a week here or a long weekend there, but these respites always produce the same sensations and lead me to the same conclusions.
Read the full piece on Medium.
You're not uncool. Making friends as an adult is just hard.
“While it took me a long time to have this kind of success, success and notoriety are not things I am entitled to—it can all be as fleeting as a rainstorm in the desert.” -Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Early-stage investors are more inclined to invest in startups run by founders from their alma mater — even when the new business is “relatively similar” to other companies in the same industry at the time.
The literary energy and cultural significance of independent bookstores still resonate with consumers in the social media age.
Please don't confuse writing with typing.
The University of Texas has decided to keep Stan Richard’s name on its school of Advertising.
Cast A Spell
To connect with people in today’s marketplace, don’t just state your offer. Cast a spell. Visit and to learn more about my professional services. Thanks for being here now.