What is a content machine?
A content machine is someone who produces an inordinate amount of writing, video, or audio for consumption by one or more audiences.
A content machine is a person with many interests and an insatiable curiosity to know more, along with a desire to do more and be more.
I am a content machine. Therefore, I can’t write and move on to the next piece, I also must package and promote the best of what I write.
I have to aggregate the aggregator in order to make my work easier for you to discover.
Show (Don’t Tell) Me
Some recent writing that I want to share with you:
Accountability: It's Missing, and This Is a Big Problem for Teams
The Media Unmasked and COVID-19: How Media Literacy Saves Lives
Widespread Masklessness: Virtue Signaling Or Something Less?
Prioritizing Black People and Uplifting Black Voices Is Harder Than Posting A Meme
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Great question.
So much signaling, while the racist frameworks remain.
BBC Spotted Some “Genuine Americans” in the Wild
Here is a question for liberals and many others…How does President Trump remain popular with millions of Americans?
Trump’s army has, “The hope of being heard.” That’s how the BBC sees the situation on the ground in Montana. Democrats are perceived to be above caring for rural Americans.
An insistence on coastal biases is one reason for this unnatural divide. Terms like “flyover country” and freely pronounced judgments about people and places in the middle of the country (where the loudmouths have never been) are all too common among liberals and it’s not a good look.
Please Don’t P.C. On Me
Another reason for widespread angst is political correctness run amok. Right now, P.C. is having its moment in the sun.
Street names and school names are changing. Building names are changing. Statues are coming down. Fight songs are being dropped. Disney rides are being called out for perpetuating racists stereotypes. Packaged goods are renaming themselves to avoid the same fate.
I salute the boost of public consciousness. I also recognize the surface nature of these victories (which are still victories). For instance, let's say the NFL makes the Redskins change their name. Will the league also remove racist owners, coaches, and players from the game?
The substance of racism is woven into the American fabric. It can't be washed out, it has to be worked out. And in its place, a new nation with more humane laws and practices must be born. Or it's more anguish and unrest.
For more on systemic racism, I highly recommend watching the following video in its entirely:
DiAngelo says, “It’s a kind of delusion. Some people have said ‘when you’re used to 100 percent, 98 feels oppressive.’ As a white person, I was just raised to expect the world to be mine. In absolutely any field. I see myself represented.”
Two Stanzas from A New Poem…
The cult of the individual, the cult of the state
Toxic brews, distorted views, flaming news
For the beaten, there is no retreat to leafy avenues
No nurse with a bandage, no viral video, instead painful fate
Adpulp.com’s Readers Support Emerging Voices Project
I am pleased to report that support for Adpulp’s Emerging Voices Project continues to grow. We now have twelve subscribers and monthly revenue on Patreon of $273. We also have one business sponsor in place for the series at this time.
The goal is to reach 100 subscribers and $1000 or more in recurring monthly revenue. This operating budget will pay for four or five new articles every month at $200/per or $250/per article. The articles are being written by talented and ambitious people who are new to their careers in media, marketing, or advertising.
I would love for you to read this passage and see yourself in it and become a subscriber. Either you know from experience how hard it is to get paid to write, or you’ve heard the horror stories. For instance, most pubs ask industry pros to write for free. “For the exposure,” they say. I say, we all have plenty of exposure. What we lack is teamwork, collaboration, and in many cases, income.
Let’s Chat
Please feel free to ask me any writing or marketing-related questions, or send me your best BBQ recipes, if you’d rather.
My email is david@davidburn.com | My homepage is DavidBurn.com