100 True Fans, Recurring Revenue, and A Paid Apprenticeship Program for Writers
Now as before, generous patrons help to feed artists and writers, because artists and writers provide an essential service to humankind.
"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Emerging Voices Project
Adpulp.com, the ad industry site I co-founded in 2004, exists today to educate and entertain copywriters, art directors, account service pros, media buyers, creative recruiters, directors, editors, photographers and everyone under the Sun who helps to make advertising and make advertising better for all.
Right now, I am making two big moves to help grow the audience. I am seeking both:
1) Emerging voices from journalism, marketing, and advertising programs
2) Reader and corporate support to help pay our new writers $100 to $250 per feature
If you’re ready to help today, please subscribe at $10 or $20 per month, or whatever works best for you. Even $1/month or $2/month helps make this project work, and I thank you in advance for your generosity.
The way to help is here: Patreon.com/Adpulp
Writing Tip: Say It All In One Elegant Sentence
Jane Rosenzweig is the Director of the Writing Center at Harvard University. She wants you to work on your lede.
In most cases, your readers don’t need to hear every thought anyone has ever had about your topic. They need to know what they should think about the topic right now. When you lead with your main point, you focus your reader’s attention where it belongs.
It’s great advice. I made a bunch of sentences above to ask for your financial help. I could have just written: Without patronage writers and artists do not survive.
Austin ISD Repurposes with Purpose
Yet, Texas has 440,000 households with no access to broadband. Because it's not available. Furthermore, just 65% of Texas households have adopted broadband (this percentage includes people who have access to broadband but can’t afford it or opt to go without). In certain circles, fast pipes are a given. But one of three Texas households currently goes without. And now that schools are conducted in virtual classrooms, the digital divide is a major problem. So, it was good to see the Austin Independent School District deploy 110 school buses with Wi-Fi to neighborhoods and apartments where home internet access is least likely to be located.
How can we all repurpose with a purpose, right now?
Coming Soon…
I’ve got some exciting developments I’d like to share with you. First up, I am appearing on Rob Schwart’s “Disruptor Series” podcast this week. I can’t yet say how big this is, but it’s big. Secondly, I am working hard to launch the all-new DavidBurn.com, which will make it much easier to understand what I do, why it matters, and how to buy from me. Also, I am now working once again with Jason Walton to illustrate the cover for my upcoming eBook, Ad Brains: 20 Honest Conversations with Advertising’s Icons, Rebels, and Rulers.
Let’s Dance!
My email is david@davidburn.com. My homepage is DavidBurn.com.
I provide live workshops to creative teams and actionable insights and marketing solutions to small business leaders.
One day when you have the need, I’d love to discuss any marketing-related questions you may have.